
The right way to Say No More Frequently

Wish being over serviced by the system and its providers, and we're the ones who can stop that. It's up to all of us to say, 'No thanks a lot! ' Yet there's a reluctance to say, 'No! ' that seems to increase with age. Clinics and Medicos act like other business operators: they have to create fees.
In a recent Quarterly Essay, 'Dear Existence: On Caring For The Elderly', Karen Hitchcock advised a tale of a farmer friend of hers who needed to restore his heavy-vehicle license so he could harvest his crop. His GP
referenced the farmer to a personal cardiologist for a 'check-up'. Despite this man being at the level of health with no risk factors for cardiovascular disease, the cardiologist reserved the farmer for an angiogram, According to Hitchcock, the cardiologist's payment for that exercise would be somewhere between $2, 1000 and $3, 000. The process would take approximately a quarter-hour. The farmer was given the thumbs-up, so he went home, acquired his license, and gathered his crop. An apparently straightforward check became a costly exercise. The panda was overserviced, paid the price, and never considered saying, 'No' to any of the service providers.

Most of us can quote similar stories where we realize someone who has been overserviced, without considered saying, 'No'. (If you'd probably like a free article on 'How to say No', allow me know and a duplicate will be with you, immediately. )

Few people want to have forever before, but wouldn't decline living an extra hour, day, or year. This is hardly new news. Seneca told us 2, 500 years back that there basically anyone who, given the chance, would not want to have an extra day. And medical research and practices remain a major help in making that happen. But somewhere along the way, we've left the driver's seat of our lives: someone otherwise is driving our coach. It's time to say, 'No thanks', if My spouse and I want to stay in charge of decisions that have an effect on warming. '

There's no need to enhance the Panic Button, require 3 bits of wisdom are worth heeding.

When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it focuses his mind wonderfully. (William Dodd).
Once after a time never comes again. (Frank Sinatra).
Getting old is something you do for anyone who is blessed. (Grouch Marx).


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