
Stop smoking - It's Nicotine, Not really Cocaine!

The belief of many smokers is that nicotine is as hard to kick as cocaine and this explains why it is so hard to give up. Also, the drug companies support this argument by promoting drugs which have a serious effect on the dopamine receptors in your brain as a solution.

Absolutely if nicotine is the addictive than using smoking patches would be a universal solution for those that smoke. But according to English records only, 2% of smokers succeed in giving up using nicotine replacement.
A lot of smoke when they are stressed and some may, some smoke 40 every day and some smoke simply a few. Some assume that they manage their lives and some realise that smoking offers them nothing.

In Australia, Macquarie University has determined that in the real world nicotine alternative has a zero profit. Other studies have shown a 20% success rate, but these were in handled groups where final results were expected.

I would believe in such an environment with a group which was prepared to comply that 20% or thereabouts would succeed in quitting by consuming restorative cornflakes!
This should solve the addiction, right? Very well about 23% of men and women do quit using the drugs, but many of the rest have side results which are so troubling that the risk incentive is very bad. By nightmares to vomiting to psychotic breakdowns and even heart attacks.

Nicotine is not like cocaine, it is not practically so addictive. While we all believe of rehabilitation centres which specialize in helping serious medicine addiction. But there will be no such places for people who smoke and.

Most smokers know they can go for times of time without smoking. There is no standard pattern of smoking. A few smoke when they wake up, but some don't until after breakfast or on their way to work.

Drug crime is an important problem around the world, many people have recently been the victims of a person stealing to buy more drugs. But who has ever heard of a person becoming a criminal just to get cigarette money?

Sure some will buy smokes with their ill-gotten gains but that wasn't their inspiration. So do yourself a huge favour and ignore the useless messages that cigarette smoking is so addictive that you are completely at their mercy.

Don't pay attention to drug company adverts telling you that it may take several efforts to quit and that you need to keep trying, put simply, you need to keep buying their expensive drugs.

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