
CPAP Machines - Enjoy Comfortable, Safe Sleep

An excellent night's rest is an important facet of your health as it enables you to rest and replenish your strength for another day. Getting your sleep disrupted denies you much needed rest and will, as a result, interfere with how effective you are during the day. One of the conditions that can cause your sleep to be interrupted is sleep apnea. However, this problem can be treated effectively by the use of CPAP Equipment.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea identifies a sleep disorder which happens when your breathing gets interrupted while sleeping. A pause in respiration can last for as short as a few seconds or for as long as even a minute. Once you start breathing again, you may make a choking sound or a loud grunt. This condition is serious because the brain and the slumber of the body can be deprived of enough oxygen.

There are mainly two types of rest apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) happens due to an obstruction in the airway when the gentle tissue located at the back of the can range f collapses during sleep. OSA is a lot more common type of sleep apnea. The other type of rest apnea is the central sleep apnea whereby the brain does not send the proper signals to the breathing muscles which triggers breathing to stall for some time.

About CPAP Devices

CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machines are being used to help those who have obstructive sleep apnea to enhance their breathing while they're asleep. The machine carefully increases air pressure in your throat to ensure that the airway will not collapse. If you suffer from obstructive stop snoring (OSA), you could be required to use a CPAP machine when sleeping at night. The CPAP machine is made up of three parts, namely the motor, mask, and line.


CPAP machines have a motor which pulls in air at room temperature and applies the required amount of pressure to the air to keep your airway does indeed not collapse. A filtering is fitted on the inlet of the appliance which keeps out unwanted allergens. The motor produces bare minimum noise when in use and may therefore not affect the sleep of others in the room. A few CPAP machines come when you have humidifiers which consist of a tiny type of tank of water. The moment the power is switched on, the water gets heated up helping you to breathe in air that has moisture rather than dry air.


The masks that are being used with CPAP machines come in several shapes and forms in order to address the comfort of individual users. There are mainly three types of masks which can be used, the nose pillow, the complete face cover up and the nasal cover up. The nasal pillow is located under the top lip and is fixed to the head using straps.

Pressurized air comes through the mask through two tubes that are inserted into the nostrils. A full face cover up covers your mouth and the nose and is also stored in place by aspect straps. The nasal cover up has a triangular condition and covers the nasal area from the bridge to the upper lip. This kind of mask is popular because it also comes in a variety of sizes thus enabling users to easily get a good fit.


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